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Special Therapies

Vaman Karma
120 Min

Vamana is a therapeutic procedure to eliminate the vitiated Kapha Dosha through vomiting.

Virechana Karma
60 Min

Virechana cleans the digestive tract including small intestine, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

Basti Karma
60 Min

The basti therapy is  used for Vata Dosha’s excesses but capable of curing many disorders.

Nasya Karma
45 Min

Nasya is helpful in head diseases caused by Kapha (e.g., stiffness, numbness, heaviness)

60 Min

Shirodhara reduces the level of stress hormones & reduce migraine. Also improves sleep Quality.

Diabetes Reversal
15 Days

Customized Panchakarma , Herbal medicines and daily routine guidance to control Diabetes 

Joint Pain Relief
15 Days

Relieves pain by eliminating toxins, reducing inflammation, and improving joint mobility. 

Heart Wellness Program
30 Days

It nourishes the muscles, nerves and joints of the chest region and helps in blood circulation.

Body & Mind Relaxation
3 Days

Removal of Toxins and Vitiated doshas helps rejuvenating body & calm the mind 

Weight Loss Package
30 Days

Custoized Panchkarma snehan-Swedan , Pind Swed , Herbal Medicines and Diet guidlines 

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    Mind & Body Wellness

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