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Netra Basti: Nourishing Ayurvedic Eye Therapy

Netra Basti is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy focused on promoting eye health and maintaining the well-being of the eyes. Derived from the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda, this treatment involves creating a reservoir or “basti” of medicated ghee (clarified butter) around the eyes. Netra Basti is known for its potential to alleviate eye strain, dryness, and other eye-related discomforts, as well as to improve vision.

Ayurvedic Principles:

Ayurveda views the eyes as a vital organ governed by the “Pitta” dosha, which represents the fire element. According to Ayurvedic principles, imbalances in Pitta dosha can lead to various eye issues. Netra Basti is aligned with these principles by using medicated ghee to balance Pitta, nourish the eyes, and enhance their vitality.

  • Eye Lubrication
  • Eye Strain Relief
  • Improved Vision
  • Cooling Effect
  • Stress Reduction
  • Overall Eye Health

The Netra Basti Process:

The Netra Basti therapy involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation: The individual lies on a massage table with their eyes closed. A dough dam made from black gram flour is built around the eyes to create a small well.

  2. Medicated Ghee: Special medicated ghee, chosen based on the individual’s dosha constitution and any specific eye concerns, is gently warmed and poured into the well around the eyes.

  3. Ghee Reservoir: The ghee is allowed to remain in the well for a specified period, usually around 15 to 20 minutes. The warmth of the ghee helps it penetrate the eye tissues and provide nourishment.

  4. Eye Movement: During the treatment, the individual may be guided to move their eyes in different directions. This movement helps the ghee reach various parts of the eyes and enhances its effects.

  5. Post-Treatment: After the treatment, any excess ghee is gently wiped off, and it’s recommended to rest for a short period to allow the eyes to absorb the benefits.

NetraBasti is an unique effective ayurvedic care which cures the eye diseases and maintains the perfect beauty of eyes and eyesight. It is done  for specific period for 7 to 14 days.

Yes this Ayurvedic therapy utilizes ghee, which is clarified butter. Ghee is a healing agent for tired, stressed, dehydrated eyes and disorderly eyesight

Eases eye tension and proves to very soothing for dry and tired 'computer eyes'. Relieves eye socket tension, twitches, and squinting. Eases wrinkles and dark circles around eyes. Improves the vision.

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